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Image by Ruvim Noga

Research Spotlight


Baker, J. A., Breit, K. R., Bodnar, T. S., Weinberg, J., & Thomas, J. D. (2022). Choline supplementation modifies the effects of developmental alcohol exposure on immune responses in adult rats. Nutrients, 14(14), 1-19. doi:

Breit, K. R., Rodriguez, C.†, Lei, A., Hussain, S.†, & Thomas, J. D. (2022). Effects of prenatal alcohol and delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol exposure via electronic cigarettes on motor development. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46(8), 1408-1422. doi:

Breit, K. R., Rodriguez, C. G.†, Hussain, S.†, Thomas, K. J.†, Zeigler, M.*, Gerasimidis, I.*, & Thomas, J. D. (2022). A model of combined exposure to nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol via electronic cigarettes in pregnant rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16. doi:

Hussain, S.†, Breit, K. R., & Thomas, J. D. (2022). The effects of prenatal nicotine and THC E-cigarette exposure on motor development in rats. Psychopharmacology, 239(5), 1579-1591.

Risbud, R., Breit, K. R., & Thomas, J. D. (2022). Early developmental alcohol exposure alters behavioral outcomes following adolescent re-exposure in a rat model. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1-17 (in press). doi: 10.1111/acer.14950

Reid, H., Snowden, T., Shkolinokov, I., Breit, K. R., Rodriguez, C.†, Thomas, J. D., & Christie, B. (2021). Prenatal alcohol and cannabis exposure can have opposing and region-specific effects on parvalbumin interneuron numbers in the hippocampus. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experiment Research, 45(11), 2246-2255. doi:

Breit, K. R., Rodriguez, C.†, Lei, A., & Thomas, J. D. (2020). Combined vapor exposure to THC and alcohol in pregnant rats: Maternal outcomes and pharmacokinetic effects. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 82, 1-11. doi:

Breit, K. R., Zamudio, B.*, & Thomas, J. D. (2019). Altered motor development following late gestational alcohol and cannabinoid exposure in rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 73, 31-41. doi: 10.1016/ntt.2019.03.005


Breit, K. R., Zamudio, B.*, & Thomas, J. D. (2019). The effects of alcohol and cannabinoid exposure during the brain growth spurt on behavioral development in rats [special issue]. Birth Defects Research, 111(12), 760-774. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1487


Idrus, N. M., Breit, K. R., & Thomas, J. D. (2017). Dietary choline levels modify the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure in rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 59, 43-52. doi: 10.1016/ntt.2016.11.007

Breit, K. R., & Chester, J. A. (2016).  Effects of chronic stress on alcohol reward- and anxiety-related behavior in high and low alcohol preferring mice. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 482–490. doi: 10.1111/acer.12992

Powers, M. S., Breit, K. R., & Chester, J. A. (2015). Genetic versus pharmacological assessment of the role of cannabinoid type 2 receptors in alcohol reward‐related behaviors. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(12), 2438-2446. doi: 10.1111/acer.12894


Johnson, K*., Orozco, S., Saunders, A., & Gawrysiak, M. (April 2022). Examining the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Symptom Severity and Mindfulness among Patients Diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder. Poster presentation for the 2022 West Chester University of Pennsylvania Research & Creative Activity Day (RCAD). Annual meeting for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). West Chester, PA. 


Schrieber, J., Miller, A.,Johnson, K.*, & Nolan, M. (April 2022). Mentally Relocating in the Absence of the Commute to the Workplace. Poster presentation for the 2022 West Chester University of Pennsylvania Research & Creative Activity Day (RCAD). Annual meeting for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). West Chester, PA. 

Taing, R.* & Chang, J.*Poster Presentation, Cultural Values in Institutional Messaging: A Qualitative Analysis of Higher Education Mission Statements. West Chester University (WCU) Research and Creative Activity Day, 2022.

Araya, K.* & Breit, K. R. (2021). The effects of prenatal alcohol and nicotine exposure via e-cigarettes on anxiety-related behaviors. Oral presentation at the WCUPA Summer Undergraduate Research Institute Closing Event in West Chester, PA.

Bowers, L.*, Hull, L.*, Wolk, S.*, and McKibben, J. (2021, April 27). Assessment of a Forced Choice Memory Measure to Detect Malingering [Poster presentation]. CSM Celebrates! Virtual Research Poster Session, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, West Chester, Pennsylvania

Breit, K. R., Zeigler, M.*, Gerasimidis, I.*, Rodriguez, C. G.†, Hussain, S. †, Thomas, K., & Thomas, J. D. (2021). Pharmacokinetic effects of combined prenatal nicotine and THC exposure via e-cigarettes in a rat model. Developmental Psychobiology, Special Issue (in preparation). Presented at the annual International Society for Developmental Psychobiology conference in Chicago, IL.


Gerasimidis, I.*, Zeigler, M.*, Thomas, J. D., & Breit, K. R. (2021). Prenatal nicotine and THC exposure via e-cigarettes in rats alters select maternal factors. Poster presented at the West Chester University CSM Celebrates! Annual Research Conference (virtual). 1st place award to IG

Taing, R.*, Betts, A., Penrose, P., Patton, T., Quinn, V., & Chang, J*. (2021, March). Exploring Cultural Values in Higher Education Mission Statement: A Qualitative Analysis. Poster presented at the 2022 annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.


Zeigler, M., Gerasimidis, I., Thomas, J. D., & Breit, K. R. (2021). Pharmacokinetics and litter outcomes following prenatal alcohol and THC exposure via e-cigarettes in a rat model. Poster presented at the West Chester University CSM Celebrates! Annual Research Conference (virtual).

Johnson, K.*, Mohl, K., Phillips, K., & Suda, D (December 2019). Climate Change and Us: Science, Policy, History, Ethics, Mitigation, and Economics. Poster session for the 2019 West Chester University First Year Experience Program.

*Undergraduate Mentee

†Graduate Mentee

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